wedding dress
*Love is in the air*
A couple of weeks ago I got the big honour to be part of one of my best friends‘ wedding. When I saw her walking down the aisle it felt a bit unreal and crazy. We know each other for years now and I realised that we grew up so fast. 😛
But it was beautiful and she looked AMAZING. The dress was perfect on her, with the veil she looked like a dream. Even though it was freaking hot. Honestly, it was the hottest day this year so far and all of us were sweating soooooo much, haha.
Anyway, after the ceremony there was a dinner and party until the sun was up. Everything was well organized and the food was f**king delicious.
Thanks T & M for letting me be part of your big day. I am SO happy for you and I wish you all of the best. Kisses <3

wedding dress from asos // heels from asos (similar here) // clutch from h & m // earrings from pandora

wedding dress berlin inspired style lace-up dress long blazer crop top lace belt body umbrella mary sam’s rainy days sweater crop top zara h&m ripped jeans spring season inspo fashion week berlin fashion blog blogger mode instagram ootd potd outfit of the day pic post picture berlin style streetstyle freestyle design kleid rock skirt jeans inspiration daily suit dailysuit foto photo fotografie photography germany fashion week mercedes-benz mantel coat boots high heels absatzschuhe stiefel zara mango diesel dr.denim chanel asos all saints nike calvin klein brands label christmas camel coat bikerstyle long blazer crop top lace body sam edelman xmas leopard boots umbrella mary sam’s rainy days office style ripped jeans spring season inspo fashion week berlin fashion blog blogger mode instagram ootd potd outfit of the day pic post picture berlin style streetstyle freestyle design kleid rock skirt jeans inspiration daily suit dailysuit foto photo fotografie photography germany fashion week mercedes-benz mantel coat boots high heels absatzschuhe stiefel zara mango diesel dr.denim chanel asos all saints nike calvin klein lace-up dress brands label christmas camel coat bikerstyle sam edelman xmas leopard boots long blazer crop top lace body